top of Timor Island

top of Timor Island

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wailuli Formation ( Jurassic In Age)

Theofilo stand on the Wailuli Formation, This Picture was taken in Sahem River, Soibada, Manatuto District.

Description :
The Wailuli Formation was defined by Audley-Charles (1968) for rocks in the Wailuli valley, Ainaro district, which predominantly consists of shale sandstone lithofacies.

Brunnschweiler (1978) has contested the upper age limit of the Wailuli Formation and suggested a Late Jurassic on the basis of Belemnopsis he reported from Atsabe area.

Wanner (1956) and Grunau (1957) have recorded the presence of Buchia, Belemnopsis and Malayomaorica malayomaorica (Krumbeck) in Aliambata and Pualaca, the areas that have been mapped as Wailuli Formation by Audley-Charles (1968).

At the type locality the Wailuli Formation is defined by the first appearance of well bedded, spotted blue-grey marls and calcilutites with ammonites (Audley-Charles 1968).

The thickness of the Wailuli Formation in East Timor is estimated to be about 800 meters in the type locality and elsewhere is thought to be probably 1000 meter (Audley-Charles 1968). 

               From Left ( Prof.David Haig, Noemia, maun Jose Tilman, Manuel, Ivonio, Francisco)

Ammonoid locality which well exposed within wailuli Formation in the Sahem River, Soibada Area.

Locality Outcrop of wailuli Formation which was well exposed and logged in Sahem River, Soibada Area

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